There are many ways you can help support Sherman Elementary.

Make a gift to Sherman PTA's Annual Fund, shop with our partners like Sports Basement, or simply volunteer some of your time.
Scroll down to see all of our options.


How To Make Your Gift:

  • Cash or check preferred! Checks payable to "Sherman PTA" avoid processing fees.

    • Please send to 1651 UNION ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123

  • Donate online by visiting Giving Tools to link directly to the payment site and pay by credit card or bank transfer.

  • Company matching - many employers will match all or a percentage of your donation! This is a great and easy way to amplify your contribution. Not sure if your company offers matching or need more information on how this works? Contact us and we can help.

  • Donate stock - we accept stock donations as well, contact us for more information.

    Sherman PTA Tax ID: 94-3351039 and registered as PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students, Inc.


Sherman PTA's Annual Fund positively impacts hundreds of students, families, and our staff.

The PTA-driven Annual Fund supports programs such as:

Small class sizes across all grade levels • Literacy, Math, and Technology specialists • Supplemental educational curriculum and reading support • Art classes for every student • Faculty Professional Development • Classroom supplies and materials • Garden maintenance and Outdoor education • Technology devices • Equity initiatives, community events, school culture, and much, much more!


support sherman while you shop

Sports basement

Who doesn't love shopping at the Sports Basement!? SIGN UP TODAY: Join the Basementeers program and receive 10% off every item and now 10% of profits will go to Sherman when you choose Sherman PTA as your charity of choice. Sports Basement is located in the Presidio at 610 Old Mason Street and 1590 Bryant Street in San Francisco.


labels to avoid the lost & found

Sherman PTA is fundraising with Mabel's Labels, a company with all types of labels that are dishwasher, microwave, and laundry safe (not to mention colorful, easy-to-use and fun)!  Iron-ons, Stickies, Bag Tags, Allergy Alert labels & more! Personalize your labels with names, nicknames, initials - whatever you choose. 20% of your purchase goes to Sherman PTA!

Click here to shop and donate!


Box Tops

Do you already buy Cheerios, Ziploc or Hefty bags, Scott towels, or Chex Mix?  Buying these and many other products can mean extra money for Sherman!  Look for products that have this label.  Clip and bring to school and earn money for every label!  So easy and fun for kids to help collect!

Donors choose

Support our teacher’s projects on Donors Choose. Simply check out the Sherman Elementary page and support the classroom project(s) that are most inspiring to you.


There are many ways to give, including donation of time and talent - which is always appreciated and highly valuable. Sign up as a volunteer on SharkNet and get involved!

Become a Volunteer: Contact Donna Bade at


Already a volunteer? Thank you! Log your hours here: